All the evidence suggests that 9/11 was an Israeli false flag operation, carried out with the assistance of key individuals and elements within the United States by a Zionist elite. One of these individuals is Larry Silverstein, who purchased the 99 year lease on the World Trade Center complex in July 2001 and who oversaw control of the complex before and during the attacks, along with Australian-Israeli real estate tycoon Frank Lowy of Westfield America. Silverstein and Lowy are good friends, and Silverstein has been a director of Lowy's Westfield America since May 1997. Silverstein is connected to the Zionist elite in Israel in numerous ways, most notably via his close association and friendship with no less than three former Israeli prime ministers, namely Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak. Silverstein is especially close to Benjamin Netanyahu, father of the "war on terror" doctrine. According to Haaretz.com, "Many Israeli politicians are acquainted in one degree or another with the 70-year-old Silverstein." It's via these channels that Silverstein was uniquely placed to assist Israeli intelligence and the Zionist mafia in Israel and America with carrying out the 9/11 attacks.
As an American born Jew, Silverstein is an "ardent supporter" of the state of Israel and committed to Jewish causes. He was chairman of the board of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and remains on the Board of Directors, along with his wife, Klara, who is also a founding member of the Jewish Women's Foundation. His son, Roger, and his daughter, Lisa, are also UJA contributors. Roger Silverstein, director of leasing for WTC 7, serves on the executive committee of the Real Estate Executive Division of the UJA, and his daughter Lisa is co-chair of the UJA (source). According to its website, the UJA is the most successful local charity in the history of the United States, and over the last 60 years has raised more than $1 billion for the state of Israel.
Larry sits on the board of trustees for the Museum of Jewish Heritage, a "living memorial to the holocaust", and is on the "$500,000 and above" list of contributors (source). He's also contributed generously to the Jewish Children's Museum via Silverstein Properties, and is a supporter and benefactor of Tzivos Hashem, a Jewish children's organisation. He's a member of NYU's board of trustees, treasurer and trustee of the National Jewish Medical and Research Center, and according to an article by Christopher Bollyn, he also holds or held a senior position in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) which has conducted spying operations in the United States for the Israeli government and works tirelessly on its behalf to silence any and all criticism of Israel and Israeli policy.
Silverstein has investments in Israel. In fact, in 1992 he co-founded the Israel Export Development Company (IEDC) which sought to facilitate safer investment in Israel. This article by Michael Collins Piper states that Newt Gingrich's wife was on IEDC's payroll in 1995:
In early 1995 the then-newly elected Republican House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, long a vocal advocate for Israel, gave a little-noticed speech in Washington before a gathering of military and intelligence officers calling for a Middle East policy that was, in his words, “designed to force the replacement of the current regime in Iran . . . the only long-range solution that makes any sense.”
That the then-de facto leader of the “opposition” Republican Party endorsed this policy was no real surprise since, at that time, Gingrich’s wife was being paid $2,500 a month by the Israel Export Development Company, an outfit which lured American companies out of the United States into a high-tech business park in Israel.
Marianne Gingrich was hired in '95 as Vice President for Business Development by Silverstein's IEDC, the same year her husband became speaker of the house. It was around that time that Newt Gingrich's foreign policy views became staunchly pro-Israel and opposed to Israel's perceived enemies, even to the point where he publicly called for the CIA to overthrow the Iranian government, as referred to by Piper in his article. That was well before 9/11, and his views haven't changed. His wife had no experience in international trade, and before that appointment she was an image consultant for BeautiControl Cosmetics (source), but of course, she denied it was a political payoff. From this Dec 1995 article:
According to an article by Connie Bruck in the New Yorker of Oct. 9, "IEDC is trying to win approval from the Israeli government to manage a free-trade zone, and the Israeli government is highly dependent on United States aid—something that Gingrich is in a position to affect." It is no coincidence that despite drastic budget-cutting this year, Congress has left aid to Israel intact.
Bruck Describes the IEDC as an offshoot of the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), a hawkish arm of the pro-Israel lobby in the U.S.
The IEDC is indeed an offshoot organisation of the IASPS. This connects Silverstein to the think tank which produced the Clean Break policy document, authored for the Israeli government by neocons Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser.
Marianne Gingrich works closely with its president, Robert J. Loewenberg, who is also chairman of the board of the Koret Israel Economic Development Fund, which assigns interns to key congressional offices. According to Bruck, Loewenberg writes lengthy diatribes in the IASPS newsletter attacking the peace process, return of the Golan Heights to Syria, and "left-wing politicos and bureaucrats." He supports the immediate move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, which Gingrich is asking Congress to endorse.
So Gingrich was staunchly supporting Silverstein's IEDC and its agenda, and the state of Israel in general, but his beauty consultant wife's employment as Vice President for Business Development was not a payoff, even though Silverstein told the Wall Street Journal that Newt Gingrich was one of several members of congress who were lobbied to support his company's proposal. We'll call it a favor then.
Also worth mentioning here is the fact that BeautiControl is owned by Jewish billionaire Ronald Lauder of Estee Lauder fame, who as Chairman of the New York Council on Privatisation was the key individual responsible for privatising the World Trade Center just weeks before 9/11, putting it under the control of Silverstein and Lowy (see the Port Authority's July 24, 2001 press release on the "historic agreement" to privatise the WTC). Lauder is another committed Zionist, active in numerous Jewish-Zionist organisations including the Jewish National Fund, the World Jewish Congress and the ADL, and like Silverstein is a close friend of Likudnik Benjamin Netanyahu. Lauder also has investments in Israel and his daughter is married to Kevin Warsh, one of seven governors of the Federal Reserve. Lauder's friend, New York Governor George Pataki, was another key individual responsible for the privatisation of the WTC, and he and his wife Libby were both on Lauder's payroll. Like Lauder and Silverstein, Pataki is avidly pro-Israel, and so is his wife.
Silverstein's political views are supposedly "left-leaning", but he supported his friend Ariel Sharon of the extremist Likud Party in Israel's last election, which makes perfect sense in light of the fact that Larry is such good friends with Likudnik Bibi Netanyahu that they'd speak on the phone every Sunday (other reports say daily). At the time of publication of this Haaretz article he was "the largest private donor to Hillary Clinton", rabid supporter of Israel, which bought him "an open door to the office of the junior senator from New York". So if Silverstein's dollars go to Hillary in the next US election, that too will make perfect sense, given that she is the best "left leaning" candidate for Israel and supports the Zionist doctrine of regime change and endless war in the Middle East on Israel's behalf.
Larry Silverstein has received a lot of attention since 9/11, and his involvement has been well-documented. Four members of his staff were killed in the attacks, but as stated in the aforementioned Haaretz article, "he himself was saved only because a meeting he had scheduled that morning with officials of the Port Authority on the 88th floor of [WTC 1] was canceled at the last minute." He went to a doctor's appointment instead, and later stated "I had said to my wife, sweetheart, cancel my doctor's appointment. I have so much to do at the Trade Center... She got very upset and told me I had to go. As it turns out, that saved my life." Lucky Larry Silverstein. His son Roger and his daughter Lisa were also "running late" for work at the WTC on the day of the attacks. One of George W's 9/11 connections is via Silverstein's hiring of Securacom (now Stratasec) for the management of electronic security of the WTC complex. The president's brother, Marvin Bush, was on Securacom's board of directors from 1993 to June 2000. Securacom was also responsible for the security of United Airlines Inc and Dulles International airport at the time, which both had starring roles in the 9/11 attacks. The other security company servicing the airports used on 9/11 was the Israeli-owned ICTS, predominantly staffed by Israeli ex-Shin Bet officers.
Former UJA board member and Israel-firster Lewis M. Eisenberg further connected that organisation to the events of 9/11 by overseeing the lease negotiation that led to Silverstein and Lowy acquiring control of the WTC complex. Eisenberg was chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time, and delivered his UJA friends the WTC despite their bid being lower than that of Vornado Realty Trust, which pulled out after its failed attempt at negotiations with Eisenberg. Eisenberg is also a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition and served on the National Board of Directors for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
But perhaps the most incriminating piece of evidence against Larry Silverstein was offered up by himself in his famous interview with PBS for a documentary called "America Rebuilds". What he says is with reference to WTC 7, which collapsed without having been hit by a plane and which he owned prior to taking out the lease of the WTC complex.
"I remember getting a call from the...er...fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
"Pull" or "pull it" is established demolition jargon used in the industry, but Silverstein tried to back out of his Freudian slip thusly, through a spokesman for Silverstein Properties:
"The Commander told Mr. Silverstein that there were several firefighters in the building working to contain the fires. Mr. Silverstein expressed his view that the most important thing was to protect the safety of those firefighters, including, if necessary, to have them withdraw from the building."
So by "pull it" he meant "withdraw [the firefighters] from the building"? Not likely. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Assistant Chief responsible for WTC7 at the time Frank Fellini, there were no firefighters in the building to speak of. From Fellini:
"...We were concerned that the fires on several floors and the missing steel would result in the building collapsing. So for the next five or six hours we kept firefighters from working anywhere near that building, which included the whole north side of the World Trade Center complex. Eventually around 5:00 or a little after, building number seven came down."
The weekend before the attacks, the electricity in at least one of the towers was shut off, ostensibly to permit upgrading of the computer network cables (which could've been done without shutting down the power at the main terminal). That sort of action isn't taken without the knowledge of the owner; it could've only happened via direct or indirect instruction from Silverstein. To carry out the 9/11 operation the WTC security system would have to be temporarily disabled, thus the power-down. Bomb-sniffing dogs were also removed five days before the attacks.
All the pieces of evidence fit together neatly when viewed as a whole; the fingerprints of the Israeli Mossad and operatives of the Zionist elite are all over the 9/11 attacks, and Silverstein's complicity was key.
Update 1, March 28 2008: Silverstein Sues to Win Further $12.3 Billion in 9/11 Attack
Update 2, April 15 2009: Port Authority Paying Larry Silverstein $21.5 Million To Develop The Freedom Tower Even Though He Has Absolutely No Role In Building It
Update 3, April 25, 2010: Fox News Journalist: Silverstein Discussed Demolition of WTC 7 With His "Insurance Carrier" During a Phone Call on 9/11, and it's an Uncontroversial Fact.

Unusual Evacuations and Powerdowns Prior to 9/11, Youtube
Zionist Lewis Eisenberg Oversaw WTC Lease Negotiations
Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition
"Lucky Larry" Silverstein
Larry's "Pull it" Gaffe Examined
A Look at Silverstein and 9/11
Silverstein Family Were All "Running Late" On 9/11
Financial Bonanza behind the 9/11 Tragedy: Who are the Financial Actors behind the WTC?
Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit From the 9/11 Attacks
Multi-Billion Insurance Compensation For Larry Silverstein
Silverstein and the Greenberg Family
Maurice Greenberg, profile
BBC's Premature Announcement of WTC 7's Collapse
BBC's WTC 7 Announcement, Youtube
CNN's Premature Announcement of WTC 7's Collapse
CNN's WTC 7 Announcement Guest-Starring Shimon Peres, Youtube
What Caused Building 7's Collapse?
(And Again, Just For Fun.)
vous pouvez inscrire votre blog sur jewisheritage.fr
Well done. You are a precise and organized writer. Thanks for all of the info.
Nice article, IM.
Keep exposing the moles and the outright traitors; keep exposing the tyranny; let the chips fall where they may; and don't be intimidated by the silencers.
If the moles want to be buddy-buddy with the genocidal leaders of the zionist apartheid state and do their bidding — if they want to support illegitimate foreign entities and causes over domestic ones — then they'd be well-served to gtf out of this country and stay out once and for all, because there'll be no mistake and no appeal as to the meaning of the phrase "pull it" when used within the context of actions involving ropes, lamp posts, oak trees, and gallows.
Let's issue a Fatwa on Silverstein!
bro the writer, you do not know what your talking about, 9-11 was done by Mujahideen understand this, now pay attention to the reasons behind it, visit
there you will all the answers you need on 9-11 who and why why why pay attention to that, stop propagating things for which you have no knowledge of bro...take care and enjoy looking forward to your next artical ....
Excellent article. If we could bring Silverstein to justice, this evidence would land him in jail for 20 years. Sadly such people are never arrested, tried and convicted.
As Israelis, they get a free pass to destroy America.
I hope you are aware of the true purpose of the Twin Towers of the WTC. They were anchor points for an alien field based propulsion system. Why do you think massive temples and the pyramids were built? There is a scientific term for it, "mascon", a word contraction, mass/concentration. And now, a new anchor point is being built, a bigger and better one, sort of like the Dubia Tower, another anchor point.
You're joking, right? Yeah, you're joking.
Maybe Larry-kins can explain why there are particles of weapons-grade nano-thermite in the dust from the collapses of the buildings... Nano-thermite couldn't and shouldn't have been in the dust unless the buildings had been readied for demolition.
Larry, Larry, Larry... is there something that you're not sharing with us? Some tidbit of information that you forgot to mention?
Sharing is good...
Let's give Larry a hand with that, shall we?
Looks like you're fucked, Larry.
maybe a lie detector test would do the job
Great article - articulate, well thought out and intelligently written.
Thank you for spreading the truth.
I still to this day, hate Larry Silverstein with a vengeance.
very nice
Someone should take this guy out. If I even hear that Larry was shot with a high powered rifle, I would be a happy man.
lucky larry?
Please take a seat Mr Silverstein !
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I like what you guys are up too. Such smart work and reporting:0)!
Why hasn't the repugnant vulture Silverstein sued the architects and developers who built WTC building 7? Remember, NO PLANE hit this building, and it fell down in a symmetrical free fall collapse because of office fires?!? Wouldn't that fall under the category of suspect structural integrity? Of COURSE it does.
He won't ever do that because if he were to go after the builders engineers and architects, they would defend themselves by introducing EVIDENCE into the public record as to the REAL REASON the buildings collapsed. Office fires and jet fuel (kerosene) don't create temperatures that LIQUIFY STEEL which was plainly seen POURING out of the towers and found in pools under ALL THREE BUILDINGS weeks after their collapse.
No Larry, you vile subhuman reptile...you know full well that if you don't have NIST, BIBI and the rest of the corrupt politicians protecting you the real truth will come out...that you, your son and daughter, your business partner Frank Lowy, and none of his family members were present at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11 because you all KNEW what was going to happen...and you let all those people DIE LIKE DOGS so you could collect the INSURANCE MONEY.
You sir, are the lowest possible form of humanity, and I PRAY for your Karmic judgment to come to you in the most horrible way possible....which is EXACTLY what you deserve.
And they teach Christianity to their children? US Government has BLOODLUST! Vietnam Cambodja South-America Iraq Afghanistan and all the countries they are pumpin in weapons!! 😈
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